The date at which the object has been created. This value can be useful when processing the collected data. The level of an object in the file system. The file attributes Readonly (R), Hidden (H), System (S), Directory (D), Archive (A), Compressed (C), Sparse (P), Temporary (T), Offline (O), Reparse Point (L) Encrypted (E) and Alternate Data Streams (Z). The amount of space that an object would occupy on an optical medium such as a CD or DVD with ISO file system.
The user name that owns a folder or file. The size in percent by which an object has been compressed using the built in compression of the file system. So the values shown in the Windows Explorer may differ. TreeSize Free calculates the last change and last access date more precisely than the Windows Explorer, because it takes all files in all sub-folders into account.
The amount of space in percent that a folder or file occupies relative to its parent folder. The number of sub-folders in a directory branch. The number of files in a directory branch. The space that the object currently occupies on disk. The full path, including the object's name.