Sales were probably not as buoyant as that editorial suggested.
TSGR suggested that dealers should get in a good stock now to meet the demand of the spring and summer season. (Society of Miniature Rifle Clubs) range at this Exhibition, a fact almost sure to create an even brisker demand for these rifles than usual. TSGR understood that more than 8000 boys used BSA air rifles on the S.M.R.C. Their accuracy was widely known as proved by the fact that they were the rifles specified for The Junior Air Rifle Team Championship held at the Schoolboys’ Own Exhibition. Ninety-two years ago, the January 31st, 1929 issue of The Sporting Goods Review and The Gunmaker (TSGR) reported that BSA air rifles continued to be a very popular line. John Atkins explores the break-barrel and under-lever air rifles of the 1930s in this fascinating historical piece.